2024 International Methodology Symposium

Katie Junasova
Katie Junasova

The Future of Official Statistics

Statistics Canada's 2024 International Methodology Symposium "The Future of Official Statistics" will take place in Ottawa at the offices of Statistics Canada (with a virtual option) from 29 October to 1 November 2024 inclusively.

Symposium highlights include:

  • Full-day workshops on Tuesday, 29 October
    • Protecting the confidentiality of statistical data (Anne-Sophie Charest, Université Laval)
    • Smoothing based models using reproducible workflows in R (Dave Campbell, Carleton University)
  • Pádraig Dalton, formerly from the Central Statistics Office of Ireland, as the keynote speaker on Wednesday, 30 October
  • Richard Valliant, University of Michigan and University of Maryland, as the Waksberg Award speaker on Thursday, 31 October
  • Special session in honor of Professor J.N.K. Rao, Carleton University, which will take place on Friday, 1 November.

For more information please visit the website.

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